Fall 2024 Chicken and Pork CSA
4 Pick ups over 8 weeks

Chicken and Pork Fall CSA


4 Weeks of pick up placing the weeks of:

Sept 30 - Oct 4
Oct 14 - Oct 18 
Oct 28 - Nov 1
Nov 4 -  Nov 8 
This share will consist of entirely pork and chicken with 1 opportunity for rabbit as inventory permits. You will receive 1 chicken per share plus cuts of pork such as bacon, chops, sausages, ground pork, ham steaks, and at least 1 roast through the duration of the share. 
The perk of buying meat via the CSA model is that you receive all of our meat at a bulk cost which is lower than individual retail cuts. Thus giving you more for your dollar. It also allows us to control our inventory on the farmer end and make sure that all of our meat moves into and out of inventory as fast as possible. 

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